The CAPE offers sponsorship opportunities to help employers build brand awareness on campus while supporting Buffalo State students. For more information or to build a custom sponsorship package, contact Lynn Rogers, Assistant Director for Employer Engagement.

Sponsorships for each academic year run from August 1 – July 1


  • Premier CAPE event options (Corner Office, Resumarathon, or other signature event)
  • Addition of your company logo in a full-color ad to be part of our printed Career Resource Guide (500+ distributed to students each year) 
  • Premier placement of your organization's logo on the CAPE website 

Plus, everything included in the Silver & Bronze Sponsorship Levels

  • Customized highlight (2x per academic year) on social media 
  • Target email (2x per academic year) to students with employer description & active job/internship postings in BengalLink 
  • Sponsorship of a Commuter Breakfast (reaching over 200 students). Staff a table and talk with students about opportunities 

Plus, everything included in the Bronze Sponsorship Level 

  • Reserved table location in the highly trafficked Campbell Student Union for two days to promote your organization 
  • Job and Internship Fair sponsorship with 2 representatives (on all marketing) 
  • Part-time Job & Internship Fair sponsorship with 2 representatives (on all marketing)
  • Partnership wall recognition displayed prominently in the CAPE Center 
  • Semester spotlight of your organization in Buffalo State Buzz to students (once a semester) 
  • Semester spotlight your organization in the monthly Family Newsletter (once a semester) 
  • Reserved table location in the highly trafficked Campbell Student Union for 1 day to promote your organization 
  • Build your own sponsorship - Talk to Lynn Rogers to set up a customized sponsorship