Career development is a unique journey for everyone, with no linear path. It is not always possible to know one’s current position or the exact path ahead. At Buffalo State University, the following career development cycle and timeline offer guidance to set goals, make decisions, and secure employment or graduate school admission. Activities are flexible; for more support, contact the Career and Professional Education Center (CAPE).

Career Development Cycle

Choosing a career or major development cycle Self-Assessment Self-Assessment Career Exploration & Research Career Exploration & Research Decision-Making Decision-Making Trying it Out Trying it Out Searching for a Job Searching for a Job Applying to Graduate School Applying to Graduate School
  1. Self-Assessment: What are your interests, values, abilities, strengths, experiences, and personality type?
  2. Career Exploration & Research: What are your options and how do you develop an understanding for the World of Work?
  3. Decision Making: What are your decision-making skills and how do you decide?
  4. Trying it Out: How can you develop confidence and experience commitment to your chosen career?
  5. Applying to Graduate School | Searching for a Job: How can you identify and apply to graduate school or search for and apply to job opportunities?

Career Development Timeline

At Buffalo State University, this flexible timeline helps students set goals, make informed decisions, and achieve career or graduate school success.

  • Schedule an appointment with a career counselor to discuss interests, abilities, strengths, values, experiences, and personality type.
  • Develop career decision-making skills by learning about yourself and exploring majors and careers.
  • Use Focus, an online tool, to assess your interests and values and meet with a career counselor for interpretation.
  • Utilize CAPE resources to write or update a resume.
  • Enroll in UNC 111 to choose a major or career.
  • Explore interesting classes, CAPE resources, volunteer and service-learning opportunities, and clubs for skill-building and become more connected to Buffalo State.
  • Research majors using CAPE resources and attend the Major/Minor Fair.
  • Watch Candid Career videos to explore related careers.
  • Meet with faculty and professionals for insights.
  • Update current resume to highlight new skills and experiences.
  • Research departmental internship requirements and update current resume.
  • Confirm choice of major or career decision and meet with a CAPE counselor for professional help.
  • Identify key skills employers seek and find extracurricular activities to develop them.
  • Gain job-specific skills through applied learning experiences like internships.
  • Explore job requirements in specific fields.
  • Research graduate schools and required entrance exams.
  • Update professional image with a professional email, voicemail, and headshot.
  • Align your experiences and knowledge with job requirements in desired fields.
  • Use CAPE resources like BengalLink and CareerShift for job searches.
  • Schedule a mock interview to refine techniques.
  • Attend the job, internship, and graduate school fairs.
  • Leverage social media like LinkedIn for networking and job opportunities.
  • Meet with a CAPE career counselor for critiques of your job search correspondence and guidance.
  • Explore part-time jobs, volunteer work, and internships on BengalLink.
  • Update current resume with new skills and experiences.
  • Attend CAPE workshops to enhance your resume, cover letter, interview skills, and LinkedIn profile.